Friday, October 9, 2015

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour- Morgan Matson- Lighthearted, Lively, The Perfect Summer Read

During the summer, I read six books, each with very different genres, yet all almost as good as each other. However, Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour has to be one of my favourite. With its lightheartedness and lively characters, it was the perfect summer read. The book, with its dominating genres of romance and adventure, was not only bright and happy but had its darker aspects which brought realism, and interested me further. Surprisingly, there was also a character called... KIKI, which made me like the book even more hehe :)
"There weren't enough tears to cry."
Amy Curry has been alone for months: spending most of the summer in her room, reluctantly welcoming potential house buyers and eating microwaved pizza off of the same plate. Every day. After the tragic accident, both her mother and brother have managed to escape, leaving her to grieve in solitude, with only her own thoughts of guilt and pain to keep her company. Her mother has moved across the country and has given Amy the responsibility of driving the car to their new house which offers a fresh start. However, since her father's death in the car accident, Amy hasn't been able to drive. 
But when Roger comes into the picture, Amy knows that things are about to change. With his good looks and charming personality comes the chance at actually having a good summer. Yet Amy doesn't believe that she deserves it as she's convinced that her father's blood is on her hands. Roger, the solution to her responsibility, but also a total stranger, whose presence doesn't seem all that appealing at first, is somewhat irresistible. And so their journey begins. 
"It's not about the destination. It's getting there that's the good part."
Unlike many other books I have read, Amy and Roger's relationship is a gradual process and Amy begins to feel her crush on him developing well into the novel. In contrast to other books, Amy doesn't immediately confide in Roger about the tragedy, as her strong sense of self-worth causes her to find herself first. So, as their journey advances so does Amy's course of coming into terms with the events that took place. What also made the book quite intriguing was all the truth and confessions that were shared between the two protagonists. By traveling to various places and exploring a handful of states,  they meet a variety of characters on the way. Along with the scrapbook theme and the pages of pictures, receipts and brochures, these short introductions to different characters also brought realism into the book.  
"The best discoveries always happened to the people who weren't looking for them."
While reading this book, my mother and I were continuously discussing where we should go on our Christmas holidays and thanks to it, I had the perfect idea: a road trip around California! It successfully sparked a desire for discovering new things and places in me. So those who are looking for a very satisfying future summer read, or those who just want to develop a yearning for an unpredictable journey, this is the perfect book.



Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Running Girl- Simon Mason- Thrilling and Tense with Terribly Tricky Characters

Reading Running Girl was like watching an episode of CSI! One must read to keep up with the investigation and not watch. Now, I am aware that some of you might be thinking, 'Um no thanks. Hate crime.' but I can assure you that this book will come to most of your liking with its extremely quirky and peculiar characters, and wild goose chase of an investigation. When buying the book, I knew that it would be very different to the desired summer reads I wanted to occupy myself with throughout the summer, and that's exactly what it was, different. Last week, before I had started the book, I had found myself wanting a break from all the lovey dovey, perfect scenario, #relationshipgoals type books that I had read all summer, so I savoured Running Girl and finished it within 3 days. 

Simon Mason has really created a masterpiece of a character with the protagonist, Garvie Smith. I've never read a book with a main character as eccentric and interesting as Garvie. Normally, I enjoy reading books with characters I find I can easily relate to, but that wasn't the case this time. Garvie's immensely curious and capricious character made the book funny and there were moments when I had to close the book in bewilderment at his actions. However, Garvie wasn't the only out of the ordinary character in the book, almost all the characters had unique and unusual aspects to them. In my opinion, it was the characters' strong influence on the book that made me enjoy it.

Garvie couldn't care less about school and his grades. His nights are spent out in the park with his dodgy friends, some of whom are robbers committing petty theft, and druggies. He really should be doing his homework and studying for his GCSEs. Garvie is unlike many teenage boys; instead of caring about the usual, sports and girls, everything to Garvie is a mathematical problem waiting for a solution. But life sucks at the moment, and Garvie is yearning for some excitement. Fortunately, he gets what he wants, possibly a bit too much...

Chloe Dow's, his ex girlfriend's, body is pulled out of the lake and DI Singh is immediately on the case. Chloe, blonde, beautiful but very mischievous, is a draw for male predators, both within school and out. Garvie, being Garvie, can't help but be excited and soon begins woking on the case himself. Treating Chloe's death like a game, he goes to great extents to solve the case and find her killer. 

Always one step ahead of DI Singh, Garvie and his somewhat rebellious ways cause him to always end up in hot water. His curiosity and knowledge are often confused for arrogance, making his relationship with Singh a little rocky, which is not good if you are willing to fall foul with the law. By using his photographic memory, conducting his own interviews and making use of his 'famous mental ability', Garvie is soon exposing the truth behind the secrets in his town. 

Just when you think the case is solved, a new suspect or scenario comes into the picture. The book is filled with twist and turns and constantly kept me on my toes. Running Girl was definitely a good book, but the many suspects and the constant change in events often left me a little confused. I would definitely recommend this book to others but it wouldn't come to mind first. Yet, it was certainly worth the read! 


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Since You've Been Gone- Morgan Matson- Fun, Frantic and Filled with Happiness

When beginning the book, I was convinced that it was another typical piece of modern day teenage literature, in which the author portrays the life of a teenager on summer vacation, where romance, adventure, friendship and drama are the main themes. (I always seem to think this way before starting a book :/) Yet, while reading on, I discovered that there was more to the book than there seemed to be. I bought this book knowing that it would be different from such books, as the protagonist's best friend is missing; the novel has a unique element to it as already there is a theme and atmosphere set in the beginning, mystery. I found that the book was a great eye opener and that I greatly benefitted from reading it. I, being a shy person who lacks self-confidence, learnt that the only way to make the most out of life is in fact live life to the fullest. Being shy and conservative only results in great opportunities coming to waste. Now, on finishing the book, I have learnt that I should stop being so reserved as there is so much I am missing, from not being myself to the greatest extent.

'I was still a little amazed that this was happening. That this, the thing that had seemed so impossible, so terrifying, so utterly beyond me, was happening. I was having fun. And that I was the one who made it happen.'

Since You've Been Gone revolves around the summer of a bashful and timid seventeen year old girl named Emily. Before meeting Sloane, her best friend and other half, Emily didn't go to parties, contribute to discussions nor even make eye contact with boys. Yet around Sloane, everything was different and brighter, Emily was different and bolder. The girls have planned their whole summer ahead but one day, Sloane disappears without a trace. Emily is left distraught, yet when Sloane's famous 'to-do list' shows up with thirteen almost impossible tasks for wallflower Emily to complete, a spark of hope ignites in her. What if completing the list could give an answer to where Sloane went and why? However, the list consists of some incredibly challenging tasks which do nothing but make Emily feel uncomfortable and push her self-confidence to the fullest, for example, go skinny-dipping, kiss a stranger and sleep under the stars. These thirteen tasks define Emily's summer and along the way, she makes new friends, finds love and begins to feel comfortable in her own skin. Her new friends help her accomplish the thirteen things. As more tasks are completed, Emily slowly progresses out of her shell.

'I don't think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it's the little things that are harder anyway.'

The book is not only set during the current period of Emily's life but consists of flashbacks to memories of Sloane and events Emily relates to while attempting to finish the list. The book emphasises the power and importance of friendship and how just one person in your life can make a hell of a difference! 

'Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what.
The ones who go to the forest to find you and bring you home.
And real friends never have to tell you that they're your friends.'



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Mortal Instruments (The First Trilogy)- Cassandra Clare- Exciting, Enticing and Exhilarating

I have to say that I'm extremely shocked at myself for having actually read and loved this series. In my personal opinion, books that are based around vampires, werewolves, demons and, in this case, shadowhunters, are usually all the same. Yet that really isn't the case. After watching the movie (The Mortal Instruments) on the plane to Cape Town during my Christmas holidays, I longed to read the rest of the series, wanting to find out what happens to each character, and what else Clare's world of supernatural creatures had to offer. I liked this trilogy as it is kinda set in both the modern state of New York and in the ancient and sinister fictional world of Shadowhunters. I also thought that Clare manages to build and depict relationships between characters very vividly. The relationship between Clary and Jace, the two protagonists, is unlike any I've actually come across in a book. 
Clary and Jace believe that they have a forbidden love. They meet for the first time in Book One and, I know that this is a cliche, are attracted and feel an instant connection. They soon find out that there is a reason for their deep feelings. They are brother and sister. The book is somewhat based on how they feel that their relationship is incestuous and how they try to stay away from each other and just be... siblings. Yet there is more to the situation than meets the eye. All I can say is that you will be left relieved by the ending of Book Three.

This review is gonna be a little different from the others. I'm not really going to dive into what the series is about, I'm going to share my thoughts and feelings about the whole first trilogy instead.

Clare creates interesting and strong characters and so the books contain a variety of personalities. The character who I thought was most powerful and defiant was Jace, who is a charmingly sarcastic and rebellious bad-boy with an extremely smart mouth. Not only does he bring humour into the series, but the way in which his charisma and over-confidence affects the other characters also adds to its brilliance.

The books are, obviously, based on shadowhunters and their fight against Valentine, an ex member of the Clave, whose desire for power has made him wicked and cruel. He also so happens to be Clary and Jace's father, which adds to the complication of events and situations. With the fight against Valentine, comes the discoveries of unknown powers, talents, relationships and worlds. 

You might be thinking that this book is basically the copy of Twilight, with its supernatural creatures and all, but it really isn't. It isn't as melodramatic and dark as other books of the same genres. Exaggeration is not used as an effect and the fictional worlds aren't in any way over the top. This is because the characters are ordinary teenagers who somewhat manage to cancel out all the fictional stuff.

I really enjoyed reading this series and I have decided to consider reading the subsequent second trilogy even though I wasn't planning on doing so at first. Each book was the perfect book to read when I wanted to be transported to another world, very different from my own. 


Friday, March 13, 2015

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks- E.Lockhart- Strong, Witty, Feminist

When reading E.Lockhart’s ‘We Were Liars’ I found the novel’s style of writing to be very unique and have a strong influence on the atmosphere of the novel, making it more dramatic and intense. I hoped that there were other books that were written in such a way. So I decided to read another E.Lockhart book and thus I began reading ‘The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks’. Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that I was left disappointed with the novel as I was expecting it to be just as intriguing as ‘We Were Liars’. I didn’t feel a deep connection with the characters, whereas I had with the protagonists in the other novel, and I didn’t find myself being drawn into another world. The book still had an interesting plot with some witty characters, but I personally didn’t enjoy reading it as much. However, I found the way in which the book expressed and supported feminism, with the main character being a strong and determined young woman, who desires to be loved and known for who she is, extremely powerful: 'She hoped, she hoped... That he would... Admire her cleverness, her ambition, her vision. That he would admit her as his equal, or even as his superior, and love her for what she was capable of'

'Secrets are more powerful when people know you've got them'

Frankie Laudau-Banks goes to a prestigious and very disciplinary boarding school where all the students come from important families. Frankie enjoys school; she has good friends, is part of the debate team and Matthew Livingston roams the same corridors. This year, Frankie wants to be known and wants to stop being another normal tenth grader. She wants to stand out but doesn’t exactly know where, or how to start. To her advantage, Frankie has grown up into a beautiful and intelligent young woman over the summer and so, attracts Matthew Livingston’s eye. With the school year starting off successfully, Matthew and Frankie’s new friendship develops and they become more than friends. Frankie is soon running in the same circles and crowd as Matthew and is becoming friends with the older, most popular seniors. Their relationship is almost everything Frankie dreamed of, but she can’t help but feel that Matthew’s keeping something from her. Frankie, being a curious and brave girl, is unlike other girlfriends and will stop at nothing to find out what his secret is…

'Frankie wanted to be a force'

One night, after following Matthew to the school’s abandoned theatre, Frankie discovers her boyfriend’s secret. She finds herself spying on an all male, secret meeting being held by a few of the most popular boys in school, including Matthew. After furtively attending a few more meetings, Frankie finds herself being drawn to the strong bond and brotherhood of the members, and immediately wants to be part of such a group. These members form the rebellious and mysterious group known as ’The Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds’ (’The Loyal Order’). ’The Loyal Order’ aren't law-abiding and their sole purpose is to rebel against the school’s rules in the most subtle of ways, their identities are unknown to the whole school. Frankie’s curiosity gets the better of her and she soon finds herself sneaking through the school’s underground tunnels, lying to her friends and creating a new identity for herself and scheming, just so she can unravel the history of ‘The Loyal Order’ and be part of something special. 

'And even though Frankie found the meetings to be disorganized and their Halloween ideas dumb, she wanted to be part of it'

As I mentioned before, I thought this book was worth reading and the character of Frankie was extremely different from other female characters in other books, as she learns what she wants from the world independently and is confident with who she is. Some aspects of the book were unusual, yet amusing. E.Lockhart does in fact write this novel with yet another unique style of writing, but I did not enjoy it as much as I did the one in ‘We Were Liars’. I do recommend this book but I think it would be a good read for children around the age of 12. 


Friday, February 27, 2015

All The Bright Places- Jennifer Niven- Intense, Intriguing and utterly Incredible

I'll be honest with you guys, the first time I came across this novel and read its blurb, I was convinced that it was nothing more than a sad and depressing love story, in which the two protagonists will most probably end up surviving through high school because of their love for each other. The book seemed nothing more than the average YA novel. Yet when I returned to the bookstore a few weeks later, I came across it again and after discovering that it was rated a 4.2 by Goodreads, I decided to give it a try. Now, after finishing it in 3 days, I can't believe I left the bookstore without the novel in my shopping bag the first time round! This book, with its deep and powerful characters and brilliant, yet realistic plot, was a wonderful portayal of a complicated and heart-wrenching relationship between two teenagers.

'You are all the colours at once, at full brightness'

They meet on the ledge of the school's bell tower. Both want to die, but both still grasp onto life. It isn’t Finch’s first time on the ledge, but no one has noticed and even if they have, no one would care enough to stop him from going up there. He is lonely. 

'We are all alone, trapped in bodies and our own minds'

Violet has never been up there before, yet after her sister’s death she has become a completely different person. She has cut her hair and dyed it black, she counts down the days to graduation and has isolated herself from things and those she loves the most. She is devastated. 
None of them can take it any longer. Yet when Finch finds Violet up there one afternoon, he saves her life and an incredible adventure of love, happiness and life begins. 


Violet and Finch have completely different social statuses. Violet is popular and admired and is an obedient and sensible student, whereas Finch is the opposite. He is known as the ‘Freak’ of the school, is mocked by Violet’s friends and is a rebellious and ignorant student whose sarcasm and wit is nothing but trouble. Finch is immediately drawn to Violet, her smile captures his heart. After Finch announces that Violet will be his partner for their U.S Geography project, their intense and heart-warming journeys together commence. As they travel around Indianapolis, visiting some of the unknown but unique wonders of their town, Violet manages to come to terms with her sister's death, yet Finch's world continues to shrink. Soon they fall in love. Their adventures become excuses to spend time together. 

'You make me lovely, and it's so lovely to be lovely to the one I love...'

One day Finch disappears. Violet's devastation and depression return again. No one knows where he is and so no one can save him. All Violet receives in order to know that he is still alive are cryptic texts, which seem to have no meaning. But eventually, they stop coming. Where is Finch and how could he leave Violet in such a dark place, all alone again?

Just writing this review makes my heart drop. The perfection of this novel is surreal. It's everything I want and love in a book. I've kept the review quite short as all I can really express is that you're missing out on so much if you don't read this book. It's absolutely amazing and the fact that the narration flicks back and forth between Violet and Finch just adds to the intensity and brilliance of it.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

We Were Liars- E. Lockhart- Clever, Charismatic and totally Compelling

I recently finished E.Lockhart's masterpiece, 'We Were Liars' and was blown away by everything the book had to offer: a unique style of writing, a constant linger of suspense and mystery, teen romance and a roller coaster of emotions. Once starting the book, I couldn't put it down, literally. Never have I read a book that caused me to cry with both happiness and grief at the same time.
I bought this book wanting a break from the more 'advanced' novels both my parents and teachers had suggested I read over the Christmas Holidays, thinking that it would be another simply written YA novel, but boy was I mistaken. I was instantly plunged into Lockhart's world of love, drama, friendship, mystery and mistakes. Intrigued by the quirkiness and the charm in its simplicity, I had no idea what was awaiting me.

'We are liars. We are beautiful and privileged. We are cracked and broken.'

Cadence is no doubt a member of the Sinclair family with her perfect blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and tall, thin figure. Being a Sinclair is hard, 'No one is a criminal. No one is an addict. No one is a failure.' Cadence wants to be different, wants to be herself and live without the expectations and pressure of her family. Every summer, the whole family reunite on their private island. However, during 'summer fifteen' Cadence is left traumatised after a horrific accident that she has no memory of. All she remembers of that summer is waking up on the beach, dressed in nothing but her underwear, and her feelings for Gat, another member of the 'Liars'. She has burning questions that no one is willing to answer, 'Silence is a protective coating over pain.' Cadence is determined to find some and after not hearing from 'The Liars' nor going to the island for two years, she returns to her family, to her grandfather, aunts and cousins, and to Gat. She is desperate to feel happy and be herself again.

The book is mainly set between the time frames of 'summer fifteen' and 'summer seventeen', the summer when Cadence learns the devastating truth, and the dark years after her accident. 

Even though I could go on and on about how much I love this book, I won't, 'cause I need you all to read it having no idea what to expect. I promise it'll be worth it.


Friday, January 16, 2015

A Little Bit About Me

Hey! So I decided to make this blog because I love reading. I read a lot but never know what to do with the book once I've finished it. My friends always come to me asking for advice on what to read, so instead of giving them a looooong list that they'll probably forget, I thought of making a blog... So here I am

I guess you should know a little bit about me before we begin our awesome journey together. My name is Kiki and one of my New Year's Resolutions this year is to be more productive and find a new hobby. Like the majority of teenagers, I spend most of my time attempting to take 'cool' pics for my Instagram hoping to wow my followers, updating my closest friends on every little detail of my life on Snapchat and worrying about whether my Tumblr blog is 'tumblr' enough. Yet somehow, although I'm always on my phone, I manage to read a lot. So I've decided to take my love for technology and books and combine them, creating a perfect (hopefully) hobby for me, and I hope, spark another, for many others too.
This is gonna be a great experience and I can't wait to share it with the world!
